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No activity can develop properly, if we do not do things clearly and transparently, following the rules of conduct and laws. That is why our 3 values: Commitment, Trust and Excellence, has been added the value of Integrity, which is, the quality that a person has to act and behave always with rectitude, honesty, truth and justice Integrity is to maintain the coherence between what you feel, what you say and what you do, and has the courage to do things in the way that seems most appropriate. In Transoceanica, people are expected to maintain solid principles in all our actions. This behavior must prevail under any circumstance. No one of the Company may request or imply any collaborator, to act improperly, according to the laws and rules of conduct established in the Ethics Guide, which, together with the Values ​​and Objectives, establish the expected behavior guidelines. An inappropriate act is not justifiable, even when its result generates a benefit for the Company.


The General Business Principles are guidelines of expected behaviors of our team that is part of this company. We have a common vision: to be leaders in the activity we develop, always complying with the Code of Conduct and always working with our values: Commitment, Trust, Excellence and Integrity.


Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the oceans and the Earth's atmosphere. The main cause that affects both climate change and global warming is the same. It is the massive emission of greenhouse gases (GHG), which retain the heat they cause within the atmosphere and surface of the Earth through the so-called greenhouse effect. As predicted by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) calculator, global warming will reach the limit of 1.5°C in February 2035. On July 3, 2023, it has been the hottest day for all humanity worldwide since there are records. The global focus on climate issues is accelerating. According to the IMO, maritime transport represents 90% of world trade and has a great impact on the environment and climate. Naviera Transoceanica is firmly committed to playing an active role to achieve, on the dates indicated by the IMO, the CO2 intensity percentages of at least 40% by 2030 and total GHG emissions by 50% by 2050 set for the shipping industry. We seek Energy Efficiency, Energy Saving, with Education and Training for all our Staff, our Clients and Suppliers. Together we can do it!